Traffic Hack

“Black Hat Hack Attracts A Few Thousand Unique Visitors To Your
Website For Free!” sends 1,000-1,500 visitors to my site everyday! Thats more than all other sources - including Google - combined!

I’ve spent thousands of dollars on search engine optimization. And pay per click advertisement. But when I opened my website stats, I found that sends me more traffic than anyone else for free!

So I started thinking… is there a way I can shift my SEO budget to create a tool for optimization.

And I came up with this “hack.”

The Idea Behind SU Hack

The idea is simple:
Bribe People to Stumble Upon
Pages on Your Website

How Does SU Hack Work?

1. You download and install the SU Hack script on your server (it takes less than 10 minutes to install the script on most servers)

2. You create a bonus that people can give away as a bribe

3. You ask people to stumble upon 3-4-5 pages on your website (You can ask people to stumble on a maximum of 10 pages on your website. But asking for 3-5 stumbles is suggested.)

4. After stumbling, they submit their username through a form that the SU Hack script generates

5. The SU Hack script than crawls their page to verify that they have indeed stumbled upon pages on your website

6. On successful verification, the person is forwarded to your bonus bribe page

Site Info ( $47)

Download File: Traffic Hack
File Size: 1,19 Mb
File Type: rar

How to download?

To download this file you will need the UseNeXT download client.
It's Free, 100% anonymous, 100% secure and very easy to use.