for Kontera ContentLinks
And… Earn Heaps of Cash Today!
Dear Webmaster,
Every website owner goes through it. You set up your site, create great content and sign on to one of the many advertising programs that promise to provide a massive income while you relax with your laptop on your private beach in Malibu.
And then what happens? Either…
1. … your site serves ads that have nothing to do with your content and only the occasional confused user clicks on them,
2. … your ads are relevant but your monthly commissions are barely big enough to buy you a bar of candy.
If You’re Wondering Why Some Webmasters Are Making A Fortune
With Online Advertising Programs….
…while you’re barely earning enough to buy a bag of M&Ms, then you need to read Kontera ContentLinks Secret, my new book about profitable online advertising!
After “cracking the AdSense Code”, I regularly earn fat five-figure checks each and every month. I’ve already helped thousands of people earn passive income with Google AdSense.
After conquering AdSense, I turned my attention to Kontera’s ContentLinks, a radical new advertising system that embeds ads into text for minimum user interference and maximum clickthroughs.
And the results have been stunning!
You simply paste a line of code on to your web pages… and voila!
Price: $47
Site info: http://www.konterasecrets.com/
Site info: http://www.konterasecrets.com/
Download File: Kontera Adlink Secret 2nd Edition
Newsgroup: alt.binaries.warez.ebooks
File Size: 3,6 Mb
File Type: pdf
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Newsgroup: alt.binaries.warez.ebooks
File Size: 3,6 Mb
File Type: pdf
How to download?
To download this file you will need the UseNeXT download client.
It's Free, 100% anonymous, 100% secure and very easy to use.